Interpreting Apartment Reviews
Rentbaba calculates and aggregates review score for flats, apartment and landlord, based on ratings provoded by tenants
We’ve created Rentbaba to help creating a more transparent renting ecosystem by bringing tenants on a common platform and let them share their renting experience by posting reviews. Reviews are based on different parameters on which tenants rate their Apartment(or Housing Society), Flat(or House) and Landlord. A net score is calculated based on average of all the ratings for the review. There are also individual net scores for Apartment, Flat and Landlord. The net scores are calculated as provided below-
Net Score for Apartment = Average Score of (Clubhouse, Commute and Connectivity, Water & Power Supply)
Net Score for Flat = Average Score of (Ventilation, Water Seepage Prevention, Neighbourhood)
Net Score for Landlord= Average Score of (General Independence, Security Deposit refund)
Net Total Score= Average of Net Scores for(Apartment, Flat, Landlord)
Posting Review
Reviews can be posted through the review form displayed on the Home Page. It’s a four step process which includes providing reviews for the Apartment, Flat and Landlord and entering the flat details. It’s simple and has been designed of an easy undertaking of the entire review process. Posting a review is quick and wouldn’t take more than two minutes.
All reviews are kept anonymous to maintain the privacy of the reviewer.
Searching Review
Reviews can be searched using the top search box on the main page. Entering the City is mandatory for searching reviews. Users can filter the reviews based on the other fields provided on search box like- Locality, Society and Building.
Interpreting A Review
The top right number in the review box shows the overall rating for the flat. The colour is assigned for a quick understanding of the review, the greener it is the better reviews it has received. The ratings for individual categories follow next.
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